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A Mersenne prime (2p - 1) with exponent p = 3. The key prime factor of the perfect number 28. There are twenty-eight 3-digit numbers with digits summing to 7 (e.g., 601; 412) among which exactly 7 (e.g., 241; 313) are prime and also among which one (511) is of the form 2q - 1 where q = 3 * 3. The seven 3-digit primes sum to 2281, a prime with an embedded "28" and with first and last digits summing to 3. Note that the number 2281 is also the exponent of the 17th Mersenne prime.

Submitted: 2001-11-08 16:43:54;   Last Modified: 2009-09-14 15:39:06.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell