Notes on Primal Sounds
(another of the Prime Pages)
Midi Sounds
Prime Pages:
  1. The number of terms must be at most 500 (to protect our server).
  2. The modulus (base) must be less than 127 (75 with no half notes, 54 for percussion only). Smaller numbers will sound better.
  3. Rather than start with the first prime 2, you may specify a starting value (at most 10,000,000). The sequence will begin with the first prime greater than or equal to the number you specify.
  4. The quality of the instruments varies dramatically with the quality of your sound card. Some sound cards do not implement all of the instruments. Others do not implement all the notes for each instrument.
  5. The numbers before the instrument names are their code in the general midi standard (see the information on the MIDI format).
  6. See this page if you have trouble playing these midi's.