This number is a prime.

                                                            30942 7398372577

Single Curio View:   (Seek other curios for this number)
The smallest odd prime that is the sum of the first k primes in the following sequence: a(1) = 2; for n>=1, a(n+1) is the smallest palindromic prime with a(n) as a central substring, i.e., 309427398372577 = 2 + 727 + 37273 + 333727333 + 93337273339 + 309333727333903.

Submitted: 2022-02-09 01:51:09;   Last Modified: 2023-10-23 01:57:57.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell