15902...98401 (28-digits)

This number is a composite.

                                              15902312 3104317837 6951698401

Single Curio View:   (Seek other curios for this number)
The smallest Carmichael Number with 16 prime factors is: 1590231231043178376951698401 = 17 x 19 x 23 x 29 x 31 x 37 x 41 x 43 x 61 x 67 x 71 x 73 x 79 x 97 x 113 x 199. Note that the sum of prime factors (SPF) is: 17+19+23+29+31+37+41+43+61+67+71+73+79+97+113+199 = 1000 = 2^3 x 5^3. This yields exactly 16 total factors for the SPF, the same as there are 16 prime factors for the Carmichael Number, and 16 prime factors for the reversal of the Carmichael Number. [Carmichael]

Submitted: 2004-11-11 03:21:07;   Last Modified: 2008-01-30 17:28:00.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell