80808...80959 (353-digits)

This number is a probable-prime (likely to be a prime but we have not (re-)proven it on this site).

0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808
0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808
0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808
0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808
0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080808 0808080959

Single Curio View:   (Seek other curios for this number)
The first prime found in the sequence 959, 80959, 8080959, 808080959, 80808080959, 8080808080959, 808080808080959, 80808080808080959, 8080808080808080959, etc. Curiously, the sod(P) is also prime. [Bajpai]

Submitted: 2019-01-23 20:24:48;   Last Modified: 2019-01-23 22:27:20.
Printed from the PrimePages <t5k.org> © G. L. Honaker and Chris K. Caldwell