Top person sorted by number of primes

The Prover-Account Top 20
Persons by: number score normalized score
Programs by: number score normalized score
Projects by: number score normalized score

At this site we keep several lists of primes, most notably the list of the 5,000 largest known primes. Who found the most of these record primes? We keep separate counts for persons, projects and programs. To see these lists click on 'number' to the right.

Clearly one 100,000,000 digit prime is much harder to discover than quite a few 100,000 digit primes. Based on the usual estimates we score the top persons, provers and projects by adding ‎(log n)3 log log n‎ for each of their primes n. Click on 'score' to see these lists.

Finally, to make sense of the score values, we normalize them by dividing by the current score of the 5000th prime. See these by clicking on 'normalized score' in the table on the right.

3 Stefan Larsson 195 52.1501
4 Dr. James Scott Brown 164 52.7768
5 Randall Scalise 156 51.3765
6 Tom Greer 120 53.3282
7 Florian Piesker 113 50.4737
8 Wolfgang Schwieger 90 51.9419
9 Peter Kaiser 81.3333 51.0002
10 David Broadhurst 73.0332 47.2634
11 Thomas Ritschel 68 50.8284
12 Max Dettweiler 58 50.4343
13 Ronny Willig 57 50.1992
14 Vaughan Davies 53 50.9868
15 Hiroyuki Okazaki 52 51.2420
16 Erik Veit 51 50.9738
17 Bouk de Water 49.6999 39.2160
18 David Metcalfe 44 49.4007
19 Seonghwan Kim 43 50.3675
20 Peter Benson 41 50.5082
21 Predrag Kurtovic 38 50.4543
22 Takahiko Ogawa 37 49.7861

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Number of primes

When counting primes we decided that if three people (persons) went together to find a prime, each should get credit for 1/3 of a prime. The same is true for projects, however programs get full credit for each prime (to encourage honest reporting of what programs where used). Persons, programs and projects are three separate categories and do not compete against each other.

For example, suppose the persons 'Carmody' and 'Caldwell' worked together and used the program 'PRP' to test candidates selected by the 'GFN 2^13 Sieving project', then completed their proofs using 'Proth.exe'. Then the persons 'Carmody' and 'Caldwell' would get 1/2 credit for each prime found; but the project 'GFN 2^13 Sieving project' and the programs 'PRP' and 'Proth.exe' would each get full credit.<\p>

Printed from the PrimePages <> © Reginald McLean.